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We recently released the following new features and upgrades on NGEN Markets:



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  • We now show all your desktop share links in a Share Link Manager that can be accessed on the top right of the application.


  • You can also renew desktop share links for a further 7 days by clicking in the renew icon next to any share link.


  • Portfolio Analytics will now show a checkbox (top right in Asset Allocation->Overview) indicating derivative positions in any of your portfolio holdings – you can choose to consider them in asset allocation calculations.


  • In Compare->Compare Securities->Rolling, you can now download all statistics in Excel for rolling analysis.


  • In Compare->Compare Securities, when you load a new compare list, the name of this list will remain in the ‘save’ input box , so that any changes can be saved (overwritten). If you want to ‘Save As’ as a different list, simply edit this name.


  • In Compare->Compare Securities, anything that is not a fund will load as a different colour in the main list for clarity.


  • In Compare->Calendar Years, we fixed a bug where some of the older year column heads were not showing.


  • In Compare->Compare Securities, can you now switch the autocomplete search between Regular and direct when adding new funds to the compare list.


  • In Funds->Query, you can now sort the columns in the resultant fund list.


  • In Funds->Query, you now get all columns (including query parameter columns) in the Excel download.


  • The Risk vs. Return tab in both Portfolios and Compare now provide an Excel download options for all the data on the chart.


  • The PPT download option for Funds, Portfolios and Portfolio comparisons will now apply your selected ‘Base Colour’ (this can be set in the Settings->Colours) to the left panel of all pages in the PPT. Please try to select a darker colour as the text over this area will always be white.


  • The Monthly SIP tool now also lets you run SIP analysis on Category Average historical data.


  • Drawdown analysis for Portfolios and individual securities now lets you download worst ten drawdowns in Excel.


  • In Clients, Excel downloads will now also include the ISIN code for funds and stocks.


  • Position overlap screenshots are now larger as a result of removing the left-hand panel showing common holdings across all securities.


  • In Clients->RTA Connection, for multiple ARN holders, the consolidated view loads by default.


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